Activities: 2023-24

Department Holds Student Interaction

P.G. Department of Economics held an interaction with the students of the department to guide and motivate them for their studies and extra-curricular activities. Faculty members asked the students about their strengths and interests apart from academics and also urged them to take part in various events organized by the department. They were also informed about the student body of the department i.e., Economics Association, which is framed every year by the department to make students responsible and active. Various students showed their interest in being a part of the Association.

A Fiery Debate Takes Place

To give students an opportunity to frame and express their opinion on current and burning economic issues, P.G. Department of Economics organized a debate on the topic "Foreign Relations or Poverty Alleviation: What should be the priority for India"? Around 20 students of economics from B.A., B.A.-B.Ed. and B.Sc. (Economics) took part in it and expressed their views in impressive manner. Their arguments showed their understanding of this sensitive issue and its implications. Arpanjot Kaur of MBEIT Semester 3, Yashika of B.Sc. (Economics) Semester 5 and Deepu Rana of B.A.-B.Ed. Semester 5 emerged as good debaters. 

 Glimpses of Quiz Competition

To promote conceptual understanding and analytical ability among its students, P.G. Department of Economics organized a Quiz Competition on the topic "Economic Decisions on the basis of Market Forces" for the students of economics. In total 16 students participated in the competition and performed exceptionally well. 

Economics Association 2023-24

List of Office Bearers


Name of Student


Roll No.


Arpanjot Kaur



Vice President

Deepu Rana

B.A.-B.Ed. Sem 5






Joint Secretary


B.A.-B.Ed. Sem 5




B.Sc. (Economics) Sem 5


Notice Board In-charge




Student Editor


B.Sc. (Economics) Sem 5


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Workshop on Research Methodology

The department organized a Workshop on 'Research Methodology'. Resource Person for the workshop was Dr. Ishu Chadda, Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. She introduced the concept of research and research methodology to the students and also guided them regarding the basics of research paper writing. 
Economics Association organizes Exuberance-2023

The Economics Association of PCM S.D College for Women, Jalandhar organized the departmental event “Exuberance” – a spectacular amalgamation of various events on 13th and 14th October 2023. The event showcased the remarkable talents of the students and celebrated the spirit of creativity and artistry. The event began with collage making, documentary and digital card designing competitions held in MBEIT lab on 13th October. The theme for collage making was ‘Reflections of India’s Growth’ and for Documentary was ‘Social and Economic Issues’. This was followed by the events of Modelling, Advertisement, Solo Dance and Group Dance on 14th October in auditorium hall. 

Economics Association organizes Investiture Ceremony

Economic Association of PCM S.D. College for women, Jalandhar organized Investiture Ceremony on 26th October 2023 at 11:40 a.m. This ceremony has a far-reaching impact in inculcating a sense of responsibility and belongingness among the students. Fourteen students were adorned with badges representing various acclaimed offices.

PPT Competition was held

Economic Association of PCM S. D. College organized a Power Point Presentation competition on 31-10-2023. Seven students of economics from various streams of Semester 3 participated in the competition with great zeal and interest as well as showed excellent skills in delivering their ideas through the PPTs. Chandni of B.Sc. (Economics) Semester 3 got first prize.

Live Screening of the Union Budget 

The Department of Economics held the Live Screening of the National Budget on 1st February 2024 at 11 a.m. in MBEIT lab for students of economics across all classes. It was an engaging and educational event aimed at providing students with a deeper understanding of the national budget and its implications.

Article Writing Competition was Held 

Department organized an “Article Writing Competition” on 29th February 2024.  Students were required to write on any topic of economic relevance. The competition provided an invaluable platform for students to showcase their research prowess, analytical skills, and economic insights on a wide range of economics topics.

Department holds National Webinar on "Empowering Entrepreneurs: Navigating the Path to Success in India" 

Department of Economics organized National Webinar on "Empowering Entrepreneurs: Navigating the Path to Success in India" on 20th April 2024.  Dr. Pooja Chaudhary, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education was the resource person for the webinar. 

Department organised Felicitation Ceremony 

To felicitate the Prize Winners and recognize the contribution of the members of the Economics Association, the PG Department of Economics held the Felicitation Ceremony on 29th April 2024 on the main stage.